Delaware State Waste Authority: Rechargeable Battery Recycling Evolves with the Times

DSWA_logo-08Recycling has become more popular as a result of the overarching trend to act “green.” However, long before residential recycling was in vogue, the Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA) was at the forefront with its residential drop-off recycling centers across the state.

Based on the European recycling model, the ground-breaking Recycle Delaware drop-off program was established in 1990. Collection containers were placed with private site sponsors, such as schools, churches and businesses, ...

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Discarded Cellphones Proliferate – PowerSource Online

By Cheryl Lofrano-Zaske, Call2Recycle Safety & Compliance Manager

Proper disposal of wireless devices and the rechargeable batteries that power them is critical.

The population is exploding. Not just the human population, but wireless devices. According to CTIA-The Wireless Association®, there are 331.6 million wireless subscriber connections in the U.S., which is more than the population. Thanks to constant innovation and competition within the wireless industry, consumers are also frequently upgrading their wireless devices to take advantage of the newest and hottest mobile ...

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