ATLANTA, April 22, 2008 – What motivates you to do more to protect the environment? A survey by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC), a nonprofit, public service organization dedicated to recycling used rechargeable batteries, identifies driving forces behind Americans “green” practices and attitudes and reveals that concern for ones children is an important part of Americans motivation to protect the environment.
The survey, conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Media on behalf of RBRC, reveals that in 2008 Americans increasingly feel an obligation to recycle and protect the environment for the sake of future generations. In fact, of the items asked about in the survey, children are the primary reason that Americans admit to suffering from “green guilt” – the feeling consumers have when they aren’t doing everything they know that they can and should be doing to protect the environment.
The responsibility to ensure the future of the Earth for generations to come is one that Americans are increasingly viewing with more importance. An overwhelming majority (91 percent) of respondents say that the reason they recycle is because of the impact their efforts will have on their childrens future. Nearly 20 percent of Americans say they would do more to preserve the environment – and relieve some of their “green guilt” – if they had a child. Nevertheless, even with the emphasis on adopting eco-friendly practices for the sake of ones children, 30 percent of respondents still admit that switching to cloth diapers is one thing they could not bring themselves to do to be “greener”, among the items listed.
Overall, the number of people who did not experience “green guilt” in 2008 (42 percent) decreased from 2007 (51 percent), perhaps suggesting that Americans are increasingly realizing that their actions to preserve the environment – large and small – can make a difference. In fact, almost 90 percent of respondents say that the reason they recycle is to do their part to protect the environment.
“It is encouraging that most Americans are acutely aware of the impact todays actions have on the sustainability of the Earth for future generations,” said Greg Broe, Interim Chief Operating Officer, RBRC. “Consumers now recognize that even something as simple as recycling is a practice that will help to ensure a healthy environmental future for their children.”
The survey also reports that nearly 90 percent of Americans are recycling at least one item. Rechargeable battery and cellphone recycling efforts increased by 10 percentage points and 8 percentage points from 2007, respectively, with 37 percent of Americans recycling used rechargeable batteries and 41 percent recycling old cellphones. Other commonly recycled items include aluminum cans, plastic and newspapers.
While there are hundreds of ways to “go green” this Earth Day, this survey pinpointed the one thing from a list of items that Americans felt could most easily be incorporated into their everyday lifestyles. The largest group of respondents (23 percent) said they would bring their own tote bag to the grocery store rather than use a plastic bag. Seventeen percent would turn off the air conditioning or heat when they are not home, or unplug appliances that are not in use. Additionally, 11 percent indicated a willingness to recycle old cellphones and used rechargeable batteries.
“When it comes to preserving the environment, there are many possibilities and sometimes it can be overwhelming to figure out what exactly you can do,” said Danny Seo, best-selling author and eco-lifestyle expert. “Doing „Just One Thing – no matter how small – can have a lasting impact on our environmental future. One simple and free way to help is by recycling old rechargeable batteries and cellphones through the Call2RecycleTM program.”
RBRC encourages you to try one of these simple environmentally-friendly tips this Earth Day:
- Limit the amount of electricity your children use by encouraging them to play outdoors instead of playing video and computer games.
- The screen saver on your computer is still running on full power. Instead, put your computer into sleep or standby mode.
- Instead of purchasing a new plastic water bottle each day, consider using a glass or mug, or refill and reuse your old bottles.
- Cut costs on gas while limiting air pollution by carpooling with coworkers, friends or families. If possible, look into fuel-efficient or hybrid cars.
“Almost 40 percent of Americans are already recycling their used rechargeable batteries, and we hope that more consumers will take advantage of RBRCs free and easy Call2Recycle program and do their part to help the environment,” continued Broe.
Call2Recycle is the most comprehensive rechargeable battery and cellphone recycling program available nationwide. The program provides a convenient way to collect and recycle old cellphones and used rechargeable batteries found in cordless electronic products, such as laptop computers, cordless power tools, two-way radios, cordless and cellular phones, digital cameras and camcorders. For more information and to find drop-off locations in your area, visit or call toll free at 877-2-RECYCLE for local retailers and community centers that collect used rechargeable batteries.
About the survey
Findings cited in this release are from a national random digit dial (RDD) telephone survey of 1,004 adults (18+) in the contiguous U.S.. All interviews were conducted from March 27-30, 2008. Findings for the total sample are projectable to the American adult population within a +/-3 margin of error, on average, at the 95 percent confidence level. The survey was conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media on behalf of Stanton Crenshaw.
About Call2Recycle®
Call2Recycle is the industry’s first and only product stewardship program for rechargeable batteries. The nonprofit program is administered by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC), a public service organization dedicated to rechargeable battery recycling. There are more than 30,000 Call2Recycle drop-off locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. More than 175 manufacturers and marketers of portable rechargeable batteries and products show their commitment to conserve natural resources and prevent rechargeable batteries from entering the solid waste stream by funding the Call2Recycle program. In pursuit of its mission, Call2Recycle also collects old cellphones, which are either recycled or refurbished and resold when possible with a portion of the proceeds benefiting select charities. For more information, call 877-2-RECYCLE or visit