Bridging the Behavioral Gap for Recycling Success – Environmental Leader

RecycleAllIn the environmental and product stewardship industry, there is a lot of talk about the barriers that stand in the way of really successful recycling in product take-back programs. Physical barriers, like accessibility and product design, present significant and well-documented hurdles. The not-so-tangible, seldom-discussed consumer behavioral barriers present a special challenge to those of us who are in the business of moving people toward more sustainable, environmentally responsible behaviors.

While there ...

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Critical Considerations Can Mean Success or Failure for an EPR Program – Environmental Leader

Success in any industry invariably begets copycats. When a zombie movie dominates the box office, more zombie movies follow. And it’s not limited to just Hollywood. We’ve seen the same thing in public policy.

When some governments realized that privatizing services such as waste management could raise capital, many others followed. But copying success is no guarantee of continued success. There have been many bad zombie films. And there have been many instances where privatizing critical municipal services has resulted ...

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Sustainability Programs Are Even More Effective through Partnerships – Environmental Leader

Partners in Sustainability

While there is a lot of talk about manufacturer responsibility in product stewardship, retailers—as the middlemen between manufacturers and consumers—are emerging as a powerful force in environmental stewardship and sustainability. This new level of influence is being intentionally cultivated through strategic partnerships between retailers and manufacturers. Lowe’s and DeWalt, for example, have partnered together to sponsor tool trade-in events that provide both an opportunity and an incentive ...

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