Battery Recycling Day a Success

Seattle Residents Weigh In!

JohnCurley_Up_FBJune 28, 2013 marked Seattle’s second Battery Recycling Day which intended to increase awareness of the importance of battery recycling. Response from the Seattle community was outstanding. This year’s campaign generated over two times as many batteries and cellphones as last year. In just five days, more than 1,000 pounds of batteries were collected through The Seattle Public Library, and an additional 1,600 pounds were dropped off at ...

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Call2Recycle Invites Seattle Residents to “Weigh In” on Battery Recycling Day

To celebrate Seattle’s 2nd Annual Battery Recycling Day, on Friday, June 28, Call2Recycle will host a battery collection drive featuring a full-size battery scale. We invite area residents and organizations to scour their attics, junk drawers, and desks, and bring their old batteries to Westlake Park to help us tip the scale and lift John Curley, Emmy Award-winning former host of King 5 TV’s Evening Magazine, off the ground!

Come join us to learn about battery recycling and bring your ...

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Bill of Lading Wizard Makes Bulk Shipments Easy

There’s exciting news for rechargeable battery participants who utilize Call2Recycle’s bulk shipping option via our freight partner YRC. A new form on the Call2Recycle website enables you to create a bill of lading (BOL) in five easy steps. Simply fill in your information, including your site ID number, and the wizard produces your completed bill of lading.

This new BOL wizard standardizes shipping descriptions, improves transportation requirement compliance and speeds up processing of bulk shipments. All browsers are supported and you ...

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Discarded Cellphones Proliferate – PowerSource Online

By Cheryl Lofrano-Zaske, Call2Recycle Safety & Compliance Manager

Proper disposal of wireless devices and the rechargeable batteries that power them is critical.

The population is exploding. Not just the human population, but wireless devices. According to CTIA-The Wireless Association®, there are 331.6 million wireless subscriber connections in the U.S., which is more than the population. Thanks to constant innovation and competition within the wireless industry, consumers are also frequently upgrading their wireless devices to take advantage of the newest and hottest mobile ...

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